now gives you an easy, fair, and secure way to launch your token.

Step 1: Creating your Party

  1. You can start your Party with a crowdfund. When creating your crowdfund, you can set the following settings:


    1. Minimum contribution: The minimum amount of ETH someone must contribute to join the Party
    2. Maximum contribution: The maximum amount of ETH a single address can contribute to join the Party
    3. Crowdfund duration: The number of days your crowdfund will be open. Please note that you can end the crowdfund early at any time, if you choose.
    4. NFT image: The image that will be used for your Party’s “membership NFTs.” This is what will show up in someone’s wallet when they join the Party.

Step 2: Crowdfund


  1. During this phase, anyone can contribute ETH to join your Party.
  2. When someone contributes ETH, they receive an NFT that marks how much ETH they joined.
    1. Note: Later on, this NFT determines what % of the Party they own. This % is used to determine their share of Distributions of tokens, and their share of “voting power” on future proposals.
  3. When people join your Party, they also get access to the Party’s private chat, just for members.
  4. The crowdfund will end when it runs out of time, or if you click “Finalize Crowdfund” any time before then. This is up to you.

Step 3: Launch Token

  1. Once your crowdfund is over, your Party is ready to launch its token. To do this, you as the Party Host will need to submit a proposal for the group to vote on.

  2. To do this, click the “New Action” button in the Proposals tab. You’ll see a button that says Launch Token.

  3. When you click this, you’ll see a menu where you can enter all of the details of your token:


  4. By default, this proposal will split the token supply equally between an LP position and the Party members. This defaults to 50/50.

  5. You can optionally add a “Reserve,” saving a percentage of the token supply for an address of your choosing. This could be your personal address, or the Party’s address. See an example of this in the screenshot above.

  6. Once you’ve filled out these details, you can click Create Proposal. The proposal will now be live for voting amongst Party members.